Dealing with Heatwave Crisis in India: Strategies for Mitigation and Adaptation(UPSC CAPF Essay 2024 | 2025)
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Dealing with Heatwave Crisis in India: Strategies for Mitigation and Adaptation(UPSC CAPF Essay 2024 | 2025)


  • The recent surge in temperatures across North India has intensified concerns about heatwaves, their impact, and the necessary measures to mitigate their effects. 

  • Cities such as Haryana-Delhi, Punjab, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Bihar, Jharkhand, Rajasthan, Odisha, and West Bengal are facing maximum temperatures exceeding normal levels by 4-8°C. 

  • Rising humidity and warmer nights are exacerbating heat stress, particularly in warm-humid and moderate climate zones.

Heatwave Crisis in India

Understanding Heatwave Crisis in India

  • A heatwave is declared when temperatures exceed normal by 4.5-6.4°C, and a severe heatwave is declared when the departure exceeds 6.4°C. 

  • The region is currently experiencing heatwaves with actual maximum temperatures above 45°C, posing significant risks to public health and infrastructure. 

  • Prolonged extreme heat conditions can lead to heatstroke and cardiovascular diseases, with each 10°F increase in mean daily temperature resulting in a 2.6% rise in cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality.

Urban Vulnerability

  • Urban areas are particularly vulnerable due to the urban heat island effect, where factors like increased congestion, paved surfaces, depletion of water bodies, loss of vegetation, and high-density settlements trap heat and raise urban temperatures. 

  • The socioeconomic impacts are pronounced, with workers in construction, hawking, vending, and women working in kitchens, as well as residents in tin-roofed homes, facing extreme discomfort.

Heatwave Crisis in India

Mitigation Measures

To mitigate these effects, several measures are necessary:

  • Improving Temperature Monitoring: Establishing a dense network of weather stations to provide granular data on microclimates, identifying high-risk areas.

  • Preparedness Measures: Regulating working and school hours, ensuring adequate water availability, and training healthcare workers to recognize and treat heat-related illnesses.

  • Urban Planning Solutions: Improving and restoring water bodies, increasing vegetation cover, and promoting cool roofs and better ventilation in buildings to enhance thermal comfort.

National Disaster Management Authority Initiatives

  • The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) has initiated Heat Action Plans (HAPs) to address specific needs at the district, city, and town levels

  • However, a comprehensive and coordinated national approach is necessary, involving local governments, civic groups, and communities to promote behavioral changes, adaptation, and urban planning.


  • The escalating severity of heatwaves in India demands a comprehensive and coordinated response. 

  • By implementing improved temperature monitoring, preparedness measures, and urban planning solutions, and through the active involvement of all stakeholders, India can better prepare for and mitigate the effects of rising temperatures. 

  • The NDMA's initiatives are a step in the right direction, but a broader national approach is crucial to protect communities and ecosystems from the growing threat of heatwaves.

Note: In this UPSC CAPF Essay about Heatwave Crisis in India, we have given subheadings for your reference. When you write in the UPSC exam, you don't need to do that.

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