What is the Enemy Agents Ordinance—Key Facts and Implications
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What is the Enemy Agents Ordinance—Key Facts and Implications

27 Jun 2024

The Enemy Agents Ordinance is a stringent law applicable in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), more severe than the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA), with punishments ranging from life imprisonment to the death sentence.


The Enemy Agents Ordinance is a stringent law applicable in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), more severe than the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA), with punishments ranging from life imprisonment to the death sentence. Recently, the J&K Director General of Police (DGP), R R Swain, suggested its application for those aiding militants in the region, emphasizing its harsh measures against such activities.

Historical Background

  • Origins: The Enemy Agents Ordinance was first issued in 1917 by the then Dogra Maharaja of J&K. Laws from the Dogra rule were called ordinances, hence its designation.

  • Post-Partition Incorporation: After Partition in 1947, the ordinance was incorporated as a law in the erstwhile state and underwent amendments.

Key Provisions of the Ordinance

  1. Definition and Punishment:

    • The ordinance states: “whosoever is an enemy agent or, with an intent to aid the enemy, conspires with any other person to any act which is designed or likely to give assistance to the enemy or to impede the military or air operations of Indian forces or to endanger life or is guilty of incendiarism shall be punishable with death or rigorous imprisonment for life or with rigorous imprisonment for a term which may extend to 10 years and shall also be liable to fine”.

  2. Trial Procedures:

    • Special Judge: Trials are conducted by a special judge appointed by the government in consultation with the High Court.

    • Legal Representation: The accused cannot engage a lawyer unless permitted by the court.

    • No Appeal Provision: There is no provision for appeal against the verdict; the decision of the special judge can only be reviewed by a judge chosen by the government from the High Court.

    • Confidentiality: The ordinance bars any disclosure or publication of the case details, punishable by up to two years of imprisonment, a fine, or both.

Recent Applications and Statements

  • DGP R R Swain's Statement: On a recent Sunday, DGP Swain stated that those assisting militants should be tried under the Enemy Agents Ordinance, highlighting its severity compared to the UAPA.

  • Quote: “The fighters can’t be brought under the realm of investigation, they should be shot dead. Those who support them, if we are talking of investigation there, I’ve said somewhere that they will be treated as enemy agents,” said Swain.

Changes Post-Article 370 Repeal

  • In 2019, when Article 370 of the Constitution was repealed, J&K’s legal framework underwent changes. The Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act was passed, listing state laws that were to continue while several others were repealed and replaced with Indian laws.

  • Security laws like the Enemy Agents Ordinance and Public Safety Act remained, whereas the Ranbir Penal Code was replaced with the Indian Penal Code. Other laws, including The Scheduled Tribes and Other Traditional Forest Dwellers (Recognition of Forest Rights) Act, 2006, and The Scheduled Caste and the Scheduled Tribes (Prevention of Atrocities) Act, 1989, were extended to J&K.

Historical Cases Under the Ordinance

  • Maqbool Bhat: Founder of the Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front, was charged under this ordinance and hanged in Tihar Jail in 1984.


  • The Enemy Agents Ordinance represents a significant tool in the legal framework of J&K, aimed at tackling severe threats posed by militancy and terrorism. 

  • Its stringent measures, lack of provision for appeals, and confidentiality clauses make it a robust law for dealing with enemy agents. 

Relevance to Competitive Exams and Current Affairs
  • Understanding such laws is crucial for those preparing for UPSC CSE, UPSC CAPF, Assistant Commandant, Essay writing, current affairs, NDA, CDS, SSB Interview, AFCAT, IAS, IB ACIO, and Current News as it provides insights into the security and legal frameworks that govern critical regions in India.

  • This article is important for UPSC CAPF AC exam preparation as it delves into the legal mechanisms employed in regions with high security concerns, offering insights into India’s internal security framework.

  •  The Enemy Agents Ordinance is an essential topic for understanding the stringent legal measures in place to combat terrorism and maintain national security, making it highly relevant for essay writing and current affairs.

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